It with utmost joy to announce that MB Azmin has instructed District Land Office to work with Sime Darby to identify an alternative land for us to relocate to! Now we’ll need to raise funds for the eventual relocation and rebuilding of the …shelter at the new land when it has been identified! We’ll need the public’s help and support to raise funds for this huge milestone for PAWS! We’re extremely grateful to the authorities for their prompt action and help especially MB Azmin Ali, YB Elizabeth Wong, YB Ean Yong, YB Sivarasa, not forgetting MBPJ Councillors and PJ Land Office for helping all the animals in PAWS!!

We’ll setup a new account to raise funds to rebuild and relocate. In the meantime any donations for the day-to-day running of the shelter, please bank in directly to the shelter at
Bank : CIMB Account No : 1216-0010633-053 Account Holder : PAWS Animal Welfare Society
Please scan bank in slip and email to for us to issue receipt.
Important NOTE : We’re currently NOT working with any 3rd party to raise funds and if you’ve been approached by anyone, please do not donate as PAWS has not established any collaborations with any party as of now. Donations should go directly to PAWS account to prevent any mishaps. We thank you for your kind support! Please use CIMB Clicks to donate in order for us to be able to trace and issue receipt!
Important NOTE : We’re currently NOT working with any 3rd party to raise funds and if you’ve been approached by anyone, please do not donate as PAWS has not established any collaborations with any party as of now. Donations should go directly to PAWS account to prevent any mishaps. We thank you for your kind support! Please use CIMB Clicks to donate in order for us to be able to trace and issue receipt!